Configuration software for NIGOS dryer automatics

Communicator Tabelar software for configurating automatics
MKM config 5 Sofware for calibrating MKM measure module version 5 with calibrator
MKM RF Sofware for calibrating MKM measure module with RF sensors
MKM Simulator Sofware for simulation MKM measure module
RB-3000 Simulator Sofware for simulation RB relay module
NIGOS Config Software for setting automatics MC-1000, MC-2000, MC-3000, MC-600, MC-504, MC-904, RKP-205
Edit strings Software for edit strings
Mini Term Terminal software
Setup BDE Data Base Driver
Repair Table Verification and reparation Paradox table
CalcHum Calculator humidity
Calc MC Small programm for calculation moisture content in wood in function resistance and temperature
DevChange Changes on USB connector
RegulationPI Show PI regulation