MC-600 automatic control unit for wood dryers is a device
that automatically controls drying process in
conventional kilns or
dehumidifying kilns. It can also
be used as a cheeper option for automatic control unit
This device is based on older automatic
control unit
MC-2000 as cheaper controller for less demanding users.
All main functions are included, but it lacks some options
such as: PI type of control, archive, real clock and have
fewer anlogue / digital intputs and relay outputs.
Device alone is now placed in plastic box
suitable for wall mounting which makes installation process
much easier. Further more, a newest concept of temperature,
EMC and wood MC data aquisition is applied. MC-600 standard
configuration includes 2 measurement boxes DS-04 attached to
measurement module MKM-08 which transfers data to MC-600.
MKM-08 box canbe placed at distance of up to 300 m away from
MC-600 controller which is very suitable for systems with
large number of dryers where automat controllers are placed in
one controll room.
Standard set provide 2 inputs for air temperature and EMC
measurement and 8 inputs for wood MC measurement. On request
for smaller dryers, it can be delivered with 1 input for
temperature and EMC measurement and 8 inputs for wood MC
Pictures on the right show connection of
MC-600 with MKM-08 and DS-04 boxes, as well as enlarged
picture of DS-04 box with fitted probes.
MC-600 achieves optimum conditions for wood drying
inside the chamber through air temperature and humidity control. MC-600
controls its relay outputs automatically, semi-automatically or user can
do it manually based on data obtained from temperature and EMC probes
(in 2 points) and wood MC probes (obtained from 8 points). In addition,
control of drying process is adjusted according to user settings.
In automatic operation mode, MC-600 follows chosen
drying schedule (regime). There are 12 invariable (built-in) schedules
which are inserted in unit's memory by "NIGOS" during production and
which can not be changed. In addition, user can make his own regimes and
store it in additional 8 free slots.
In semi-automatic operation mode user set the desired
values for temperature and EMC based on personal experience and measured
wood MC and automatic control unit MC-600 only maintain this values
inside the chamber.
In manual operation mode, buttons on the right side
of device are used. These buttons give the user an ability to choose
manual control of heating valve, servo-controlled flaps and sprinklers
for spraying. While in manual operation mode, MC-600 only displays
measured values for T, EMC and MC, but it has no influence on the relay
outputs and equipment inside the chamber. User himself must control
temperature and humidity by pressing the appropriate buttons.
After power failure, if it was started, drying will
automatically continue when power is reconnected starting from measured
wood MC.
Automatic control unit MC-600 is delivered with
following equipment included (standard configuration):
- Automatic control unit MC-600: 1 pcs
- Measurement module MKM-08: 1 pcs
- Measurement box DS-04 with fitted temperature probes: 2 pcs
- EMC paper holder which is fitted on DS-04 box: 2 pcs
- EMC paper in quantity sufficient for 2 years drying: 1 set
- Set of wood MC probes for different wood thickness: 1 set
- FEP insulated cables for boxes connection: 20m
- Communication cable for MKM-08 to MC-600 connection: 50m
insulated cables for wood MC measurement: 8m x 8 pcs
Warranty for automatic control unit MC-600 is 5
Upon special user request, or when neccessary
for specific dryer, additional eqipment is delivered. This includes wood
MC cables in different lengths, measurement/verification equipment for
wood heat treatment (palette sterilization according to ISPM-15
standard), RS232<->RS485 adapter for connection of controller to PC with
all neccessary cables, installation CD with survailance/verification
software etc...
Technical data of MC-600 are given in the
following tables: